Saturday, February 5, 2011

Good friends

Last night we enjoyed a fun, relaxing evening with Dawn and Jason Bramblett. We wanted to get together one more time before we left as kind of a farewell. As busy as we have been getting ready to go and they have been since their daughter, Sweet Hallie, had her tonsils out this week, we knew a meal would be a challenge. I had also been talking with Dawn about how our meals were getting weird as we were down to the last of what was in the freezer, fridge, and pantry and didn't need to buy much more. Not as bad as another good friend, Lindee, who had told me about their last meal before they moved where she made the only food left in the house, a couple of cans of sauerkraut and frozen brussel sprouts (they looked at their "meal" laughed and ordered pizza!).

Our clothing is also getting a bit creative as we are trying not to wear what we will be wearing for three months solid in Europe. So, my creative friend, Dawn, had the coolest idea. We had a come as you are/wear what you have/bring what you got/eat what we have dinner. We ended up with a varied menu that we all enjoyed so much! Spinach salad with Feta, apples, and walnuts, a little chili, a little tortilla soup, Asian stirfry using up the meat and veggies we had, cream cheese with pepper jelly and Ritz crackers (she had half a block and I had half a block of cream cheese), Texas Caviar and chips, and a lemon pudding cake for dessert. Everyone enjoyed this strange array of succulent foods so much, I think we should make it a common thing when we return! Thanks for the relaxing evening!

Tonight, my daughter and her friends have arranged a night of midnight bowling...mothers vs. daughters! Another last fling before we leave. Too bad it will end with our daughters crying and the moms doing a happy dance. Yes, I went there!

Also, looking forward to a farewell fondue night on Monday with my book club and a few additional friends. We have also been treated to dinner by a faculty couple that went on this trip last fall as faculty sponsors. Plus a colleague of mine and his wife had us over for dinner. I'm liking this! This I know for sure. I have been blessed with some of the finest people on earth that I am honored to call my friends. I'm taking a bit of all of them with me. Thank you to all of you who have taken an interest in this journey of mine and send me your support and love.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was closer to have a farewell dinner with you! I'm with you in spirit and will be all through Europe!
