We didn't have to leave until about 2:30 in the afternoon so had a leisurely morning of getting the facility ready to leave, as well as ourselves. We tried to pack extremely light as we were flying Ryan Air and our backpacks will be counted as our ONLY carry-on and can only weigh 10 kilos (about 20 pounds). No purse. No checked bag. So we will be a bit sick of of these few clothes and such we packed after two weeks!
We took a train from Verviers to Achen and another one to Brussels. We finally got to our airport and hoped to eat dinner there but there wasn't much there. We got an expensive microwave cheeseburger for JM and Cliff and I opted for granola bars in our backpacks.we finally went through security when our gate was finally posted. It took forever. We finally get almost to our gate and are stopped to make sure we had only one bag each and that the bag weighed 10 kilos or less. Mine did not. It was three over! That's what happens when you have the mommy bag and a wonderful camera that is a bit heavier than e regular little cameras. So worth having it though. We finally got things juggled between the three back packs and got through to our gate. There we shuffled things back to my backpack so Jon Michael's was notso heavy for him to carry. I know. Dumb, right! We finally got on our plane to Edinburgh and got there about 11:00. Then we took a taxi to our B&B. It was so quaint. We fell into bed and are looking forward to breakfast in the morning since our food tonight was limited!
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